AN ONION once possessed such a good sense of humor that made others roar with laughter. So great was his talent, that the fruit and vegetables of the garden gathered around him for hours just to listen to his jokes and forget their troubles. The she - onions were really fond of him for his humor and would chase after him, but he would not return their interest as he was in love with a single she-onion, who meant everything for him.
One day, however, the unexpected happened: his fiancée told him that she did not love him. They fought for hours and exchanged bitter words, but the last straw came when she called him "a failure of a Joker". He went depressed.
The other fruit and vegetables would then gather around him to hear a joke, but all he would do was to avoid them. He was so sad that every time he tried to tell a joke, the memory of his fiancée calling him a failure would come in mind and make him lose his words.
Until one day, he met a smiling donkey on his way back home, who asked him what his trouble was.
"I am a failure", he replied, and went on: "and, from the day my fiancée left me, nothing makes me laugh anymore".
The donkey was so thrilled to hear the story that gave him a piece of his mind: "When I am a down and there's nothing around to make me laugh, I poke fun at myself".
And with those words bade farewell. The onion was shocked to hear it; however, after giving it some thought, he decided that the donkey was right, and burst into laughter with the idea that his fiancée would call him "a failure of a Joker".
He then grabbed a microphone and told the other fruit and vegetables of the garden: "I am a failure of a Joker, so here is your chance to laugh at my failed jokes!". Then he set up a whole stand-up comedy show, where he would make fun of his shortcomings. The fruit and vegetables of the garden were mad with tears. Soon enough, everybody was laughing at his own shortcomings, and those of his neighbor, to the point where everybody was rolling laughing on the floor.
As for his fiancée? Well... he never saw her again. That day, however, was the start of a great career in stand-up comedy, for which he will be grateful to her for his whole life....
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