THERE WAS ONCE A MELON that really loved geometry. He would grab a pencil and a piece of paper, and spend many hours trying to draw lines with absolutely no wiggles but circles that looked completely round. No matter how hard he tried though, he would never draw a perfect circle on paper.
The geometer melon
“I would very much like to know how to draw a perfect circle”, the melon would say and never stop dreaming that he would one day make this reality. So he bought protractors and pairs of compasses and try even harder, never to reach his goal of drawing the perfect, round circle he dreamed of. Until one day, he put two and two together and decided to consult the wise owl, who has known as a great lover of the sciences.
“Wise owl, could you please let me know how I am supposed to draw a perfect circle?”, he asked her. The owl then stared at him with wonder, and after thinking about it for a while, replied: “You can’t draw a perfect circle, as you are not perfect yourself. But don’t take it personally; you’ll have a hard time finding the perfect in nature as well”. The melon was shocked to hear the answer, as it meant he had been chasing after the impossible all this time. Sad with what he had just realized, he decided to take a night walk in the forest and contemplate on what the owl’s words truly meant. He walked, and walked, and stare with marvel at the shapes he encountered on his way: the curly shells of snails, the circles engraved on the cut tree trunks, but also the glowy moon shining in the dark night. So amazed was he, that he continued walking around. “The circles drawn by nature are so beautiful, yet none of them is perfect!”¸ shouted the melon in wonder, enchanted by what he saw underway. When he reached a river nearby, he knelt to drink water, then exclaimed with amazement at the reflection of his round shape: “Well, I’m not perfect myself!”. After realizing what the owl’s words truly meant, he headed back home and started drawing all those marvelous geometric shapes he had seen in the forest, starting from the snail shell. Soon enough he stopped searching for the perfect, and would instead try to depict nature’s beauty in his drawings. Rumor has it that when the melon grew up, he became a great architect who built the most beautiful rotund buildings, based on the shapes he observed in nature each time he went for a walk to get fresh air....
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