A MILKSHAKE that once lived in a pastry shop felt very lonely during the cold winter months, as everyone preferred hot drinks and profiterole. It was left all alone, and was very sad that no one searched for it.
"Milkshakes are meant to make humans happy", he thought and wondered: "how can it possibly be that none of them asks for us during winter?". No sooner had he finished his phrase and yet another piece of profiterole, filled with delicious chocolate, passed right in front of him, ready to be served to the customers of the pastry shop who could barely hide their enthusiasm.
Sad as he was, he withdrew on the counter and started crying. Then, he approached the window and observed the snowflakes as they were falling on the ground. A group of children wearing caps and scarves caught his attention. They gathered snow from the ground and built a snowman with it: first they shaped a big ball to use as a base, then a smaller one for the belly, and an even smaller one for the head. Last but not least, they added branches for the snowman's hands, as well as a scarf and a cap so he wouldn't feel cold. So much did they even enjoy it, that in the end, they started dancing around the snowman, holding each other’s hands.
Curious to understand what made the children enjoy the snowman’s presence so much, the milkshake observed it to its every detail. "How could it possibly be?", he thought, "that they give so much attention to the snowman and nobody cares about me".
After many hours, the children returned home. Our good milkshake, however, was so troubled that he kept wondering and coming up with all sorts of tricks so as to win back the love of humans. Many hours passed, then days, and finally weeks, until eventually the snow started to melt, along with the snowman. The milkshake got so absorbed in the sight, that he barely even took notice of the passage of time. The only thing that interrupted him at some point was a man's voice. "Can I have a milkshake please!", the voice was heard from the depths of the pastry shop. The milkshake turned around to see who was searching for him. "Rather, make them two!", the voice added. Then more voices could be heard demanding the same, from men, women, and children. One after another, the customers in the pastry shop asked for a milkshake. With a big smile on his face, the milkshake looked out of the window: the snow had completely disappeared, and there was nothing left from the snowman but the scarf, the cap and the branches the children had used for his arms. It was finally Spring....
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