A CUP OF HOT CHOCOLATE that once lived in a household was very known for her compassion and support of others. The other silverware in the cupboard were very fond of her, as they thought of her as the right person to tell their trouble to, and she indeed heard everything and gave correct advice. Yet she had gotten very tired of their habit of using her, and was afraid to ask them to stop it.
One cold winter day, and as the cup sat near the window to observe the snow outside, an owl passed right in front of her. "I'm pretty sure if I talk to her, she'll tell me how cold she feels", thought the cup. Much to her surprise, however, the owl gave her a big, warm smile, and flew away.
"Maybe she can tell me how to solve the problems others keep asking me about”, thought the cup. She opened the window, and after wearing thick clothes to protect herself from the cold, went out in the forest to find the owl and take the answer she wanted to hear on how to solve the problems of others once and for all so that they would stop troubling her with it.
She walked and walked, until at some point she found the owl sitting on a tree branch. "Wise owl, how can I solve the problems of others once and for all?", she asked her, yet the owl simply smiled back at her, then flew away and sat on the branch of a taller tree nearby.
The cup stubbornly climbed the tree to reach her again and hear the answer. She found a rope with a hook, threw it high on the tree, then climbed it till she reached the owl’s branch. She, then, asked her again: "My good owl, please tell me how I can solve other people's problems". The owl smiled again, then flew to another tree, even taller than the previous two ones.
For a third time, the cup took a big ladder so as to reach the branch on which the owl sat. Scared of the height, this time she even tied a rope around her waist so she wouldn't be in danger. When she eventually reached the branch, however, so tired was she that she forgot what she wanted to ask.
"It's far easier to make others forget their trouble than trying to solve it for them", the owl told her, giving her an even bigger and brighter smile than before, as she had put her into a lot of trouble before giving her the answer.
Satisfied, the cup then returned home, happy that she had gotten what she wanted. Since that time, and whenever the silverware of the household tell her their problems, she prefers to simply smile at them and find other ways to make them forget their trouble....
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