THERE WAS ONCE A COFFEE POT that was very gossipy and never lost the chance to spread discord. "Let's share the latest news...!", she said every time someone knocked on her door, yet the other kitchenware and silverware were aware of her gossiping and avoided her.
Until one day, the unsuspecting saltshaker happened to cross her way. "You should know the peppershaker thinks little of your cooking skills and means you harm", the coffee pot told her as she was serving hot coffee. As they were almost inseparable with the peppershaker, the saltshaker simply said nothing. Yet as soon as she was back in her cupboard, she started suspecting her friend, silently observing her friend’s every move to understand whether she was indeed talking bad things behind her back. So sad did she get, that they didn't exchange a single word that night. Instead she only sat silently in her corner and wondered whether the coffee pot had told her the truth.
The next morning, the coffee pot invited the peppershaker over for coffee. "Your friend, the saltshaker, talks behind your back", she told her as she was adding sugar to the coffee cup. "Yesterday she was telling me that she would rather be cooking by herself". No sooner had the pepper-shaker heard it, than she got mad and started suspecting everything.
When she went back to the cupboard, they fought with each other nonstop. "You think you 're a good cook but all you do is spill your salt all over the place", she blamed the saltshaker.
"Were it not for me, your plates would be tasteless and the housewife would throw them in the trash!", the saltshaker angrily replied, and so from that day they both decided to cook without each other. The next day that they cooked soup, half the soup plates were saltless and the other half pepperless, and the silverware would choose whose cooking skills they admired most.
"Both soups are tasteless!", the silverware complained, coming to no agreement as to whether one of them was better than the other. "Half of them are too salty and the other half too spicy", they added. Yet, neither the saltshaker not the peppershaker took a step back.
"Let's make them sweet then so as not to go hungry", said the silverware, who anyways loved sweets more than anything. So, they asked the sugar bowl to add sugar to the plates they had prepared. As they had cooked more than a dozen dishes each, however, the sugar bowl quickly ran out of sugar.
"How will I serve my coffee now?", the coffee pot complained, seeing that the sugar bowl was now empty. "You'll be serving a coffee as bitter as your gossip", the silverware exclaimed, knowing she used to spread gossip and discord whenever she saw someone unsuspecting passing by.
As soon as they heard it, the two shakers realized they were her victims. They instantly apologized to each other and became inseparable friends once again, and from that day on, there was not a single occasion that they didn’t cook together.
As for the other kitchenware, with the coffee pot first, well, they had to order a delivery that day, as soup with sugar instead of salt and pepper is best not eaten....
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