A VIDEO CAMERA once loved movies so much that she wanted to become a director. “One day I will prove my talent to you”, she used to say to the electrical appliances in the household and spend her day studying everything around the subject. Although they found her dreams unrealizable, they were quite sure that should she ever get to film something, they would get the first role.
So one day, our good video camera decided to make her dream come true. She started with getting the necessary equipment: she bought a director’s chair to sit on, a clapboard to indicate the change of scenes, as well as a bullhorn to dictate her actors. As soon as the other appliances saw her carrying them back home, they thought it was finally time for their star to shine.
First, the kitchen stove approached her, and said: “I can settle for nothing less than the leading role”. No sooner had she walked away, and the washing machine came next, demanding the role of the protagonist for himself. The fryer and the hairdryer followed. One after another, the household appliances approached the video camera and demanded that they would be given a role better than everyone else’s. And as she didn’t want to let anyone down, she simply told them that she would do ‘the best she could’.
The same night, she spent countless hours searching the internet for a fitting screenplay so as to accommodate everyone. No matter how hard she tried, however, she came to no conclusion, as every play she found consisted of plots combining various degrees of first, second and third roles. Desperate, she went to sleep, hoping that the solution will appear in her dreams.
“I found it really hard to find a fitting play so as to make everyone a protagonist”, she said the next day, adding: “…so we have two choices: I will either direct an ordinary screenplay with first, second and third roles, or let you improvise on camera”. They all agreed “to improvise”.
They then started acting as they saw fit. So, they danced and sang, as well as pushing each other so the video camera would only film them. In the end, they started fighting with each other and screaming loudly so as to be heard above the others. Everyone wanted to be the protagonist. “We’re done for today!”, the video camera told them at some point, then packed her belongings and went to her room.
“Our film is a masterpiece…”, she informed them the same night, adding: “It just needs a title. I’d say we call it: ‘the fight’!”.
She then showed them the video in which they could all be seen fighting with each other instead of acting. So big was the mess that others went red with shame to see their angry faces, while others simply closed their eyes and apologized. In the end, they simply realized that if they wanted to film a movie, they would have to collaborate.
From that day, and after realizing their mistake, they all agreed to film a proper play with different roles other than the protagonist’s, that they would have to compromise with. They even thought, as a final solution, to film many different versions of it and other plays with various protagonists so they would all get a chance to do their part.
As for our good video camera? She realized, quite early in her career, that a good director cannot possibly keep everybody satisfied at the same time....
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