A DISHWASHER once loved every game that had to do with summer and beaches. “A few racquets and a ball in the sand wouldn’t be that bad now…”, the dishwasher used to say to the other appliances in the house, never to miss a chance to go to the nearest beach and enjoy the sun. And so, they followed him, as what could possibly be compared to a tennis match or a volley ball game on the beach after a refreshing swim?
One day that our good dishwasher went to the nearest beach to enjoy his favorite sport, however, he ran into heavy rain that wouldn’t stop pouring. “What a terrible misfortune to have rain in the middle of the summer!”, the dishwasher exclaimed, then gathered his stuff and went straight back home, dripping with water as he entered the door.
As soon as the other appliances saw him, they wondered what had happened. “Did you not see the dark clouds?”, the fryer asked him in a strict manner.
“I love beach games so much that I couldn’t possibly wait for the sun to come out again…”, the dishwasher replied, only to follow it up with a suggestion: “Let’s play indoors then!”
Giving it little thought, he grabbed his bag and took out a red frisbee. “Catch…!”, he told the fryer, then threw the frisbee to the other end of the house, towards the refrigerator who quickly caught it. Soon, each and every appliance joined their game, except the fryer, who simply sat in a corner and watched them, as she thought that the house was no good place for such a thing.
“We might break something here…”, the vacuum cleaner, who anyways cleaned up every time something got broken, warned them. Yet no one listened to her, and kept throwing the frisbee at each other. The more the game heated up, the greater the effort they put into catching the frisbee, moving furniture around so as to free up space. When at some point the walkie – talkie threw the frisbee to the dishwasher, he accidentally stumbled on a vase, throwing it to the ground and breaking it into a thousand pieces.
“Look at the terrible mess you have caused!”, the vacuum cleaner lectured him as she ran to clean up. “Just make sure you don’t step on them”, she added.
“It’s no big deal…”, the dishwasher said, and as soon as she had disposed the broken pieces in the dustbin, she threw the frisbee once again, this time towards the fryer who remained silent in her corner all this time. When she angrily threw it back at him, he clumsily fell on the floor once more, screaming with pain.
“Why couldn’t it be soft like the beach sand…?”, the dishwasher cried as he rolled on the hard floor. “If only you were a bit more patient”, the vacuum cleaner told him as she pulled the curtain of the window to reveal… the sun that had just come out above the clouds. She, then, cleaned up once more and moved the furniture back into their original position.
And so, our good electric appliances gathered their swimwear and went to the nearest beach to enjoy summer. As for our good dishwasher? He only went to the beach the next day, as the clumsy fall forced him to stay in bed and realize that all things need to happen not only in the right time but also at the right place....
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